“Never Stop” Philosophy Guides Fujifilm in Helping Produce Face Shields for COVID-19 Response
Employees at the FUJIFILM Dimatix, Inc. (FDMX), group company of Fujifilm and industry leader in Inkjet Printhead field, Lebanon New Hampshire facility are assembling and shipping protective face shields for their local health system and other hospitals in the region during the pandemic.

The effort launched immediately as the need for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was noted in local and national media. A core team at FDMX met to discuss how they could help, and they quickly realized that their production expertise was perfectly suited to manufacturing and distributing face shields needed by frontline healthcare workers and first responders.
“It was definitely ‘Never Stop’ for us, and an incredible team effort” says FDMX Director of Supply Chain, Richard Correia. “In a little over a week, we went from an idea to design, production, review, and our first shipment to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, our local hospital system.”

With a team of eight employees working in two 4-person shifts, they’re able to produce between 800 - 1,200 shields per day, meeting an immediate need for 20,000 masks by end of May 2020.

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